Shinnyo Center
19 W 36th Street, New York, NY 10018
(347) 982-4222
Opening Period (Morning Training): January 20 - 24
Program offered at 11am each day
Kojo sesshin offered after program for those who are qualified
Middle Period (Practice Period): January 25 - 30
Individual practice based on insights gained through the Opening Period (no in person programming)
Closing Period (Evening Training): January 31 - February 4
Program offered at 11am on January 31 - February 2*
Kojo sesshin offered after program for those who are qualified
Setsubun Service: February 3 at 11am and 5:30pm
Kojo sesshin offered after the 11am service for those who are qualified
No sesshin after the 5:30pm service.
Service in Honor of the Spiritual Faculty: February 4 at 11am
Kojo sesshin offered after the service
*The Closing Period Day 4 & 5 programs are available through individual attendance. Please see the Individual Attendance page for two attendance options (USA version and International Affairs Department (IAD) version).
This year, gohoshi is being organized by the Lineage Parents. If you would like to offer gohoshi for Annual Training, please talk to your Lineage Parent and/or sign up below:
Inclement Weather Notice
In the case of inclement weather, the temple office will make a decision on whether or not to cancel in-person Annual Training Programming at the Shinnyo Center by 5 PM the day before. In place of the in-person program, we will offer a Zoom viewing of the program. This information, along with the Zoom joining information, will be sent out through Lineage Parents and the NY Temple Office newsletter.